
"Enjoy the Girl!" Lost in Translation 04

Lost in Translation series 04

Here's a picture of an ad on the train in Japan. It advertises a beauty care salon.

A pretty young girl leaning on a mirror smiles at you.

When I saw this, my imagination went wild. I heard in my head this English phrase read by a hoarse male voice and imagined a dark London slum in the 19th century, a scene you would see in "Oliver Twist". A pander and a young innocent girl are standing at the doorsteps of a newly rich's house.
"Good evening governor. She is new to our house and I am sure you'd like her. Enjoy the girl..."
It's like a host of a party saying to the guests at the dinner table, "Enjoy your meal!"
The girl is going to be abused...

The advertising agency probably wanted to mean "Enjoy being a girl!" or "Enjoy your life, girls!", but unfortunately the English phrase, which was meant to add fashionable taste to the ad, turned the whole thing into a cruel sexism ad.

The girl's smile somewhat looks dismal with that English phrase on the top...

Lost in translation.

This ad was taken down in just a short term and was replaced with one saying "Enjoy, girls!"

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